31 - GitHub CoPilot il codice che si scrive da solo ma buggato

31 - GitHub CoPilot il codice che si scrive da solo ma buggato

Episode description

* Hackers exploited 0-day, not 2018 bug, to mass-wipe My Book Live devices [Updated] | Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/06/hackers-exploited-0-day-not-2018-bug-to-mass-wipe-my-book-live-devices/
* Google turned me into a serial killer · Hristo Georgiev - https://hristo-georgiev.com/google-turned-me-into-a-serial-killer
* Unicode sorting is hard & why browsers added special emoji matching to regexp - https://devlog.hexops.com/2021/unicode-sorting-why-browsers-added-special-emoji-matching
* Street View: un salto nel passato per rivedere le persone care defunte - https://systemscue.it/street-view-rivedere-persone-defunte/31655/
* Having fun with CSS injection in a browser extension | Almost Secure - https://palant.info/2021/06/28/having-fun-with-css-injection-in-a-browser-extension/
* CSP bypass: How one Chrome XSS bug took 2.5 years and an HTML spec change to fix | The Daily Swig - https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/csp-bypass-how-one-chrome-xss-bug-took-2-5-years-and-an-html-spec-change-to-fix
* XSS via postMessage in chat.mozilla.org - https://keerok.github.io/2021/05/20/mozilla-xss/
* Clarification of Privacy Policy · Discussion #1225 · audacity/audacity · GitHub - https://github.com/audacity/audacity/discussions/1225
* Jim Whitehurst, presidente di IBM ed ex CEO di Red Hat, si dimette dopo sedici mesi – Mia mamma usa Linux! - https://www.miamammausalinux.org/2021/07/jim-whitehurst-presidente-di-ibm-ed-ex-ceo-di-red-hat-si-dimette-dopo-sedici-mesi/
* Thinking clearly about corporations — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software - https://www.fsf.org/bulletin/2021/spring/thinking-clearly-about-corporations
* Introducing LFX, Tools Built for Open Technology Project Development - LFX Tools | Linux Foundation - https://lfx.linuxfoundation.org/blog/introducing-lfx-tools-for-everyone/
* Cashback sospeso anche per mancanza di dati che erano stati richiesti dalla Corte dei conti per poter valutare gli effetti della misura: “per motivi di privacy le informazioni su categoria merceologica o la localizzazione degli esercenti non veniva raccolta" : italy - https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/oeqvs4/cashback_sospeso_anche_per_mancanza_di_dati_che/
* Integrated thunderbird into nextcloud for some reason and it's kinda cooler than you'd think! : selfhosted - https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/ocergi/i_integrated_thunderbird_into_nextcloud_for_some/
* Gli Stati Uniti vogliono che l'Ue posticipi la tassa sul digitale - https://www.agi.it/economia/news/2021-06-30/usa-chiedono-posticipo-digital-tax-13108694/
* GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer - https://copilot.github.com/
* GitHub Copilot and License Restrictions | zephyrtronium - https://zephyrtronium.github.io/articles/copilot.html
* Julia Reda – GitHub Copilot is not infringing your copyright - https://juliareda.eu/2021/07/github-copilot-is-not-infringing-your-copyright/
* Is GitHub a derivative work of GPL'd software? - https://drewdevault.com/2021/07/04/Is-GitHub-a-derivative-work.html
* Usare i dati satellitari per indagare il mare – Resoconto dall’Hackaton Copernicus 2021 – http://blog.ondata.it/hackaton-copernicus-bari-2021/
* [Osmf-talk] Moving the OSMF to the EU? - https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/osmf-talk/2021-June/007860.html
* [CONTEST] Il tuo banner Linux Day 2021 - Linux Day - forum.linux.it - https://forum.linux.it/t/contest-il-tuo-banner-linux-day-2021/170
* My free software and open source activities of June 2021 - Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte - https://daniele.tech/2021/06/my-free-software-and-open-source-activities-of-june-2021/

Pump Sting by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4251-pump-sting
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/