40 - 2000€ a CV Project da Italian Linux Society

40 - 2000€ a CV Project da Italian Linux Society

Episode description

* Jekyll and the Genesis of the Jamstack | Bridgetown - https://www.bridgetownrb.com/future/rip-jekyll/
* The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade : Infographics - https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/po1f2u/the_20_fastest_growing_jobs_in_the_next_decade/
* EU Funding for Dev Tools for the Decentralized Web | HTTP Toolkit - https://httptoolkit.tech/blog/developer-tools-decentralized-web/
* https://twitter.com/_eezstreet_/status/1437652748179234819
* https://twitter.com/gossithedog/status/1437896101756030982
* https://twitter.com/aarondfrancis/status/1438888219471491074
* HTTP/2: The Sequel is Always Worse | PortSwigger Research - https://portswigger.net/research/http2
* Measure and debug performance with Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery - https://web.dev/vitals-ga4/
* Lorenzo Losa nel Board of Trustees di Wikimedia Foundation - https://www.wikimedia.it/news/lorenzo-losa-nel-board-of-trustees-di-wikimedia-foundation/
* Hacking A Robot Vacuum To Write A Replacement App | Hackaday - https://hackaday.com/2021/09/16/hacking-a-robot-vacuum-to-write-a-replacement-app/
* How I Hacked A Hotel Just Using My Phone | by c0d3x27 | Geek Culture | Sep, 2021 | Medium - https://medium.com/geekculture/how-i-hacked-a-hotel-just-using-my-phone-97f4d2de39ca
* Un deciso aumento dell'uso di Telegram per il cybercrime - https://systemscue.it/uso-telegram-cybercrime/33507/
* Trovato un malware su Windows nascosto… in Linux? – Mia mamma usa Linux! - https://www.miamammausalinux.org/2021/09/trovato-un-malware-su-windows-nascosto-in-linux/
* Oracle adds improvement cream to the newest LTS version of Java | ZDNet - https://www.zdnet.com/article/oracle-adds-improvement-cream-to-the-newest-lts-version-of-java/
* Smart Glasses: Incontro Garante Privacy con Facebook e Luxottica - Garante Privacy - https://www.gpdp.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/9700585
* Italian Linux Society sostiene l'autore dell'app CV Project ed il progetto Common Voice di Mozilla - https://www.marcosbox.org/2021/09/ils-sostiene-cv-project-common-voice-mozilla.html
* Exploring 120 years of timezones - https://blog.scottlogic.com/2021/09/14/120-years-timezone.html
* Home · ssloy/sdl2-demo Wiki · GitHub - https://github.com/ssloy/sdl2-demo/wiki
* What Do Astronauts Around the World Eat in Space? : Infographics - https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/poxv0c/what_do_astronauts_around_the_world_eat_in_space/
* Open Source Day 2021 - Firenze - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z6CRK61JLA
* Linux Day 2021 | Programma - https://www.linuxday.it/2021/programma/
* Manuale lug (!3) · Merge requests · Italian Linux Society / linux.it · GitLab - https://gitlab.com/ItalianLinuxSociety/linux.it/-/merge_requests/3
* Eventi su Planet.Linux.it - Italian Linux Society - https://www.ils.org/2021/07/16/eventi-planet-linux-it.html
* Analisi Sondaggio Italian Linux Society 2021 - #3 - News - forum.linux.it - https://forum.linux.it/t/analisi-sondaggio-italian-linux-society-2021/216/3

Pump Sting by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4251-pump-sting
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/