49 Special - Due progetti in Python

49 Special - Due progetti in Python

Episode description

* Streamlabs OBS cambia nome (e sito) dopo le accuse di plagio e le critiche ricevute | Hardware Upgrade - https://www.hwupgrade.it/news/software-business/streamlabs-obs-cambia-nome-e-sito-dopo-le-accuse-di-plagio-e-le-critiche-ricevute_102576.html
* https://twitter.com/bagder/status/1461334399388114953
* The New Life of PHP – The PHP Foundation | The PhpStorm Blog - https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2021/11/the-php-foundation/
* Evolving 3D desktop effects in Plasma – Martin's Blog - https://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2021/11/evolving-3d-desktop-effects-in-plasma/
* #1000000 - phast: depends on obsolete pcre3 library - Debian Bug report logs - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1000000
* Lo stato tedesco dello Schleswig-Holstein sta pianificando il passaggio di 25.000 PC a LibreOffice - https://www.marcosbox.org/2021/11/stato-tedesco-libreoffice-gnu-linux-25000-pc.html
* L'intelligenza artificiale scova le nuove droghe sintetiche - Tecnologie - ANSA.it - https://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza_tecnica/notizie/tecnologie/2021/11/18/lintelligenza-artificiale-scova-le-nuove-droghe-sintetiche-_9c29c6ca-e682-42c6-8bcc-6463871f5c8f.html
* Composer and Contao for the Rest of the World - Contao - https://contao.org/en/news/composer-and-contao-for-the-rest-of-the-world.html
* E’ online il servizio per la autoverifica della configurazione HTTPS e CMS riservato alla Pubblica Amministrazione – CERT-AGID - https://cert-agid.gov.it/news/e-online-il-servizio-per-la-autoverifica-della-configurazione-https-e-cms-riservato-alla-pubblica-amministrazione/
* Quentin Tarantino Sued Over 'Pulp Fiction' NFT Auction by Miramax - Variety - https://variety.com/2021/film/news/miramax-tarantino-pulp-fiction-nft-1235113383/
* The NFT Bay is the galaxy's most resilient NFT BitTorrent site! - You wouldn't steal a JPEG (or would you...) - https://thenftbay.org/description.html
* GTA Modders to Court: Our Game Fixes & Enhancements Are Fair Use, Not Piracy * TorrentFreak - https://torrentfreak.com/gta-modders-to-court-our-game-fixes-enhancements-are-fair-use-211116/
* Microsoft fixes reflected XSS in Exchange Server | The Daily Swig - https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/microsoft-fixes-reflected-xss-in-exchange-server
* Dangerous XSS bug in Google Chrome’s ‘New Tab’ page bypassed security features | The Daily Swig - https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/dangerous-xss-bug-in-google-chromes-new-tab-page-bypassed-security-features
* Secure development: New and improved Linux Random Number Generator ready for testing | The Daily Swig - https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/secure-development-new-and-improved-linux-random-number-generator-ready-for-testing
* The tale of a single register value - https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-tale-of-a-single-register-value/
* Malicious packages in PyPI use stealthy exfiltration methods - https://jfrog.com/blog/python-malware-imitates-signed-pypi-traffic-in-novel-exfiltration-technique/
* https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1609711/000160971121000122/gddyblogpostnov222021.htm
* Adult cam site StripChat exposes the data of millions of users and cam models - The Record by Recorded Future - https://therecord.media/adult-cam-site-stripchat-exposes-the-data-of-millions-of-users-and-cam-models/
* About - Advent of Code 2021 - https://adventofcode.com/about
* JJFlash (@JJFlash@mastodon.uno) - Mastodon Italia Social - https://mastodon.uno/@JJFlash
* JJFlash-IT · GitHub - https://github.com/JJFlash-IT
* GitHub - corkami/collisions: Hash collisions and their exploitations - https://github.com/corkami/collisions#zip-based-formats
* GitHub - Mte90/fantascienza.com-book-catalog: Fantascienza.com list of books by author, weekly - https://github.com/Mte90/fantascienza.com-book-catalog
* Come fare uno scraper asincrono in Python - Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte - https://daniele.tech/2021/11/come-fare-uno-scraper-asincrono-in-python/
* Extract data from PDF files with Python - Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte - https://daniele.tech/2021/11/extract-data-from-pdf-files-with-python/
* Program 2021 - SFScon - https://www.sfscon.it/programs/2021/
* Telegram: Acor3 - https://t.me/joinchat/5iwqn-snEqUwZjM0
* Eventi su Planet.Linux.it - Italian Linux Society - https://www.ils.org/2021/07/16/eventi-planet-linux-it.html

Pump Sting by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4251-pump-sting
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/