52 - Log4Shell o come il mondo ignora le dipendenze

52 - Log4Shell o come il mondo ignora le dipendenze

Episode description

* AI BREAKS NES TETRIS! - 102 MILLION and level 237 - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_KY_EwZEVA
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* 8 Simple Steps to make your startup GDPR compliant | PrivacyBunker.io - Privacy Automation SaaS ✔️ - https://privacybunker.io/blog/gdpr-guide-for-startup-founders/
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* Log4Shell: una nuova vulnerabilità 0-day su Apache Log4j – Mia mamma usa Linux! - https://www.miamammausalinux.org/2021/12/log4shell-una-nuova-vulnerabilita-0-day-su-apache-log4j/
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* Love r/antiwork but please stop spamming my receipt printer. : antiwork - https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/r5q2k5/love_rantiwork_but_please_stop_spamming_my/
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* Facebook head of Messenger Stan Chudnovsky leaving company in 2022 - https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/07/facebook-head-of-messenger-stan-chudnovsky-leaving-company-in-2022.html
* Why ISO was retired - https://bkhome.org/news/202112/why-iso-was-retired.html
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* Multa dell'Antitrust ad Amazon di oltre 1 miliardo di euro per abuso di posizione dominante - https://www.agi.it/economia/news/2021-12-09/antitrust-multa-oltre-un-miliardo-euro-abuso-posizione-dominante-14839939/
* Mozilla again with a profit in 2020 : firefox - https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/rcc7m6/mozilla_again_with_a_profit_in_2020/
* La Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ha tentato di rendere pubblici i dati di una causa con i troll di brevetti – Mia mamma usa Linux! - https://www.miamammausalinux.org/2021/12/la-electronic-frontier-foundation-eff-ha-tentato-di-rendere-pubblici-i-dati-di-una-causa-con-i-troll-di-brevetti/
* Using WebAssembly (created in Rust) for Fast React Components | www.joshfinnie.com - https://www.joshfinnie.com/blog/using-webassembly-created-in-rust-for-fast-react-components/
* Recurse Center Day 20: Django v4 upgrade (from v1) - blag - https://avi.im/blag/2021/rc-day-20/
* It's 2021 and someone's written a new Windows 3.x mouse driver. Why now? • The Register - https://www.theregister.com/2021/11/29/a_new_windows_3x_mouse/
* Official results show that Exlterra's revolutionary technology can neutralize radioactivity from Chernobyl – Exlterra - https://www.exlterra.com/press-release/official-results-show-that-exlterras-revolutionary-technology-can-neutralize-radioactivity-from-chernobyl-2/
* The Worst Time-Based Coding Mistakes in History | by Arun Kavishwar | Nov, 2021 | Medium - https://medium.com/@arun_kavishwar/the-worst-time-based-coding-mistakes-in-history-24eca84c9a03
* Attività - Linux.it - https://www.linux.it/todo/attivita/

Pump Sting by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4251-pump-sting
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/