69 – Lo stato di salute di WordPress

69 – Lo stato di salute di WordPress

Episode description

* Podcast - Raccolta dei link - Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte - https://daniele.tech/podcast-raccolta-dei-link/
* What is Free Software (Open Source)? Software Freedom explained in less than 3 minutes! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMi3PCW23yQ
* Modified AGPLv3 removes freedoms, adds legal headaches | Open Source Initiative - https://opensource.org/blog/modified-agplv3-removes-freedoms-adds-legal-headaches
* Datel Action Replay - The Secret Weapon of the Piracy Scene | MVG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH3ja70_okA
* Russia's losses - https://russiaslosses.netlify.app/
* New Amazon Worker Chat App Would Ban Words Like “Union” - https://theintercept.com/2022/04/04/amazon-union-living-wage-restrooms-chat-app/
* Reverse Engineering the Google Play SafetyNet Attestation API - https://www.jamesstevenson.me/taking-apart-google-play-safetynet-to-put-it-back-together/
* CVE-2022-26381: Gone by others! Triggering a UAF in Firefox - https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/blog/2022/4/7/cve-2022-26381-gone-by-others-triggering-a-uaf-in-firefox
* 13 year old request resolved: 1402822 - Spellchecker needs to allow multiple language dictionaries at the same time - https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/tzameb/13_year_old_request_resolved_1402822_spellchecker/i3yejkq/
* You may not need Cloudflare Tunnel. Linux is fine. - https://kiwiziti.com/~matt/wireguard/
* The Unexpected Importance of the Trailing Slash - https://tookmund.com/2022/04/importance-of-the-trailing-slash
* Ok dal Cdm alla norma sugli algoritmi “trasparenti” - https://www.publicpolicy.it/lavoro-ok-dal-cdm-alla-norma-sugli-algoritmi-trasparenti-cosa-prevede-94887.html
* Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page | CSS-Trick - https://css-tricks.com/send-an-http-request-on-page-exit/
* De-anonymizing Bitcoin - https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/04/de-anonymizing-bitcoin.html
* ‘We Interviewed a Coder. Someone Else Showed Up for the Job’ – The New Stack - https://thenewstack.io/we-interviewed-a-coder-someone-else-showed-up-for-the-job/
* 4 ways we use GitHub Actions to build GitHub - https://github.blog/2022-04-05-4-ways-we-use-github-actions-to-build-github/
* Gzip = Zip = Zlib = Deflate ? - Speaker Deck - https://speakerdeck.com/ange/gzip-equals-zip-equals-zlib-equals-deflate
* OpenSSH 9.0 released - https://lwn.net/Articles/890734/
* Gli sforzi di Google per aumentare la velocità di reboot dei server Linux – Mia mamma usa Linux! - https://www.miamammausalinux.org/2022/04/gli-sforzi-di-google-per-aumentare-la-velocita-di-reboot-dei-server-linux/
* UK court: Sharing citizen data with foreign allies was legal • The Register - https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/06/privacy_international_vs_ipt/
* The era of fixing your own phone has nearly arrived - The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/23017361/ifixit-right-to-repair-parts-google-samsung-valve-microsoft
* Elon Musk, Twitter’s largest shareholder, polls followers for an edit button - The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/5/23011134/twitter-elon-musk-edit-button
* Twitter Confirms It Will Add an Edit Button - https://www.thewrap.com/twitter-confirms-it-will-add-an-edit-button/
* Wolfenstein 3D 's winding journey from pitch to release - https://www.gamedeveloper.com/gdc2022/wolfenstein-3d-postmortem
* Creepy AI reconstructs your portrait based only on your voice - DIY Photography - https://www.diyphotography.net/creepy-ai-reconstructs-your-portrait-based-only-on-your-voice/
* First autonomous X-ray-analyzing AI is cleared in the EU - The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/5/23011291/imaging-ai-autonomous-chest-xray-eu-fda
* Premi Open Culture Italia 2022 - https://www.icom-italia.org/premi-open-culture-italia-2022-icom-italia-wikimedia-italia-cc-italia/
* Facciamo semplice l'Italia - ParteciPa - https://partecipa.gov.it/processes/semplificazioni
* Manuale d'uso del software libero nella PA: ecco perché è un freno all'adozione - https://www.agendadigitale.eu/cittadinanza-digitale/manuale-duso-del-software-libero-nella-pa-ecco-perche-e-un-freno-alladozione/
* Cosa frena davvero il software libero nella PA? - https://simonepiunno.medium.com/il-vero-motivo-che-frena-ladozione-del-software-libero-nella-pa-f78537e800c
* Migliorie sulla Guida allo sviluppo e gestione di software libero - https://github.com/italia/guida-sviluppo-gestione-software-libero/issues/39
* Ferrari owner Exor wants to build the Italian Y Combinator | Sifted - https://sifted.eu/articles/ferrari-exor-seeds-italy-y-combinator/
* Open, il fact-checker di Facebook, pubblica quattro fake news in tre giorni - Panorama - https://www.panorama.it/news/cronaca/open-fact-checker-facebook
* La situazione dei registri elettronici liberi in Italia (aggior. 2022) - https://forum.linux.it/t/registro-elettronico-libero/183/21
* Ep.77 - Proteste e sabotaggi del software Open Source (con Daniele Scasciafratte) - https://www.spreaker.com/user/daredevel/ep-77
* La storia di r/place 2022 dal punto di vista italiano (e dei bot) - https://daniele.tech/2022/04/la-storia-di-r-place-dal-punto-di-vista-italiano-e-dei-bot/
* How We Built r/Place - https://www.redditinc.com/blog/how-we-built-rplace/
* WordPress Core contributions by (tickets) numbers - https://daniele.tech/2022/04/wordpress-core-contributions-by-tickets-numbers/
* Attività - Linux.it - https://www.linux.it/todo/attivita/

Odissey by IvoErMejo
Link: https://ivoermejo.bandcamp.com/track/odyssey
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/