Ep. 24 - Su questa terra

Ep. 24 - Su questa terra

Episode description

Torniamo a parlare di Palestina e di genocidio del popolo palestinese. Fonti: "Su questa terra", poesia di Mahmoud Darwish "Israel's Apartheid against Palestinians", di Amnesty International. Link: https://d21zrvtkxtd6ae.cloudfront.net/public/uploads/2022/01/Full-Report-Israels-apartheid-against-palestinian-.pdf "The UN is investigating the environmental impact of the war in Gaza. Here’s what it says so far ", di Euronews. Link: https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/03/06/the-un-is-investigating-the-environmental-impact-of-the-war-in-gaza-heres-what-it-says-so-